Session 2020

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2020 Integrated Annual Report

2020 was a year like no other in every possible way.

The health crisis brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic upended life as we knew it and our networks played an important role in enabling people to work, learn, entertain themselves and, most importantly, keep in touch with their loved ones. Whether working remotely or in the field, our employees went above and beyond the call of duty to support our customers and ensure our networks could cope at such an unusual time.

Meanwhile, our teams worked hard so we could accelerate the roll-out of our Engage 2025 strategic plan, reaching several milestones in the process.

Stéphane Richard, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

“Providing an essential service”

For more than a year now, the Covid-19 pandemic has rocked the whole world with its sheer magnitude and ferocity. My thoughts are with everyone who has suffered illness or loss as a direct result of the virus. In all our operating countries, we will continue to provide support during these difficult times.

As the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Orange group, I feel a deep sense of pride and gratitude when I reflect on the recent past. First and foremost, our networks were able to accommodate the surge in traffic, playing an essential role in keeping society and the economy running in all our operating countries […]

Read the editorial by Stéphane Richard (opens in a new window)

In 2020, we…

En 2020, nous avons…

Six Orange employees share their
experiences of this most unusual

Read the testimonials (opens in a new window)

“It was great to see our teams working together to contribute to a safer digital society.”

Nicola Jakeman, Head of UK CyberSOC (Security Operations Center), Orange Cyberdefense

« “Given the urgency of the situation, we made our money transfer service free of charge.”

Saloua Bolaachoub, Business Manager, Orange Money Morocco

“An amazing display of resilience at every level.”

David Craig, Customer Services & Operations, Business Continuity & Data Protection, Orange Business Services

“I’ve never been so proud and happy to do the job I do.”

Christelle Costa, Customer intervention technician, Orange France

“We are closer to our customers than ever before.”

José Ramón Sorribas Pozo, Smart Store Manager in Madrid, Orange Spain

“The pandemic showed that, ultimately, we serve society as a whole.”

Gaetano D’Agnelli, Head of Voice Planning, Orange International Networks, Infrastructures and Services (OINIS)

Orange maintained service continuity around the world to ensure people could continue going about their lives and making lockdown easier to bear.

In 2020, we…

  • Supported healthcare professionals
  • Harnessed data to address the pandemic
  • Ramped up efforts to support people through the pandemic

In 2020, we…

5G supplements our existing networks, enabling us to cater for a growing number of uses and develop new services for society as a whole through carefully planned deployment. Delivering average speeds three to four times faster than 4G networks, 5G offers users better connection quality on the go, both in urban areas (where 4G is widely used) and other economic hubs.

Read more about the roll-out and uses of 5G (opens in a new window)

We gave spectators at Roland Garros a sneak peek of how they might enjoy sports events in the future through three innovative demonstrations incorporating 5G.

In 2020, we…

Businesses have much to gain from 5G, which is why we work closely with them to develop new ways of using this ultra-fast network.

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Smart Ports

Partner : A port in Galicia

Project : Orange Spain plays a leading role in several 5G collaborative innovation pilot projects funded by the Spanish government, such as a project in Galicia, where several partner companies, including Orange Spain, have formed a temporary business alliance to design future network applications together.

Partner: Port of Antwerp

Project: Orange Belgium worked with a group of partners at the port of Antwerp—the second largest port in Europe—to set up a campus with the country’s first large-scale stand-alone 5G network.



Partner: Helicus, a Belgian start-up specialized in medical transport by drones

Projet : Planning for and securing drone fleets delivering medical equipment (supplies, laboratory samples, etc.) in Belgium.

Industrie 4.0


Partner: LACROIX Group, an international technological equipment supplier

Project: Trialing 5G applications as part of the Symbiose project to design the electronics factory of the future in France.

Partner: Schneider Electric, a leading specialist in the digital transformation of energy management and automation

Projet : Trialing augmented reality to make life easier for maintenance technicians and a mobile telepresence robot for remote site visits at the Vaudreuil factory (Normandy, France).

In 2020, we…

Expanding fixed and mobile network coverage throughout regions is a priority for Orange. We invest and engage in partnerships that focus on delivering very high-speed broadband to everyone, whether deploying fiber, extending 4G coverage, installing new radio sites in the Middle East and Africa, funding and laying submarine cables or harnessing satellite technology in order to tackle the digital divide in our operating countries.

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In 2020, we…

Maintained growth momentum in Africa

In 2020, Group revenues grew 5.2% in Africa and the Middle East as it strengthened its efforts to ensure Orange Middle East and Africa becomes the region’s benchmark digital operator by boosting its multi-service strategy.

Launched Orange Bank Africa

As part of our mobile financial services strategy in Africa, we launched Orange Bank Africa, a fully mobile and digital bank. Our goal is to lead the way in promoting financial inclusion in West Africa.

In 2020, we…

Further enhanced and shared our networks

In 2020, we changed our operator model to develop our networks while moderating investments. We strengthened our position as a leader in more open and higher-value fiber and mobile infrastructure while maintaining full control of our strategic assets by setting up dedicated companies, as announced in early 2021. Our goal, however, remains the same: to grow our core business, connectivity.


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France’s leading FTTH operator working with local authorities

4.5 M

FTTH connections (1.2 million existing and 3.3 million future connections) in France

€2.7 billion

valuation of Orange Concessions, our subsidiary dedicated to the deployment of fiber in rural France


mobile towers owned in Europe

In 2020, we…

Gave old mobile phones a second lease of life

To reduce mobile phone waste, we conducted a vast campaign in Europe to raise awareness about drop-off points and recycling services for unwanted devices. We also launched a circular economy program in France.

Helped bring about a responsible digital world

In line with our purpose, strategic plan and contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, we help bring about a responsible digital world, in particular through initiatives to reduce digital inequality.

a responsible group

Orange, a responsible group

Orange at a glance

10 M


5 business activities

  • Enhanced connectivity (retail and business customers)
  • Business IT support services
  • Wholesale services
  • Cybersecurity
  • Financial services

Orange Money teams facilitate day-to-day life for tens of millions of people in Africa and the Middle East by providing this money transfer and mobile payment service.


Orange Business Services employees work in 64 countries across the world to support businesses and organizations in their digital transformation.

Orange, a responsible group

Our purpose

“As a trusted partner, Orange gives everyone the keys to a responsible digital world”

Orange field technicians work on the front line to repair and maintain our infrastructure in the event of a serious incident.

Orange, a responsible group

A business model focused on creating and sharing value

Such is our purpose, which was integrated into the company’s bylaws in 2020. It resonates particularly strongly in the telecommunications industry as it puts people before technology. Everything we do is framed by this purpose, which illustrates how we take account of the social and environmental priorities we share with our stakeholders. Our purpose feeds into the four ambitions of the Engage 2025 strategic plan and our commitment to promote digital equality and protect the planet.

Read more about about Orange’s business model (opens in a new window)

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Network supervision teams work 24/7 to ensure maximum service quality for our customers and detect incidents or anticipate any service degradation.


As ever, our advisors are available to assist and guide customers in our 5,088 stores worldwide.

Orange, a responsible group

Building a better, more sustainable future for all

Our purpose serves as a compass and reflects our aspiration to harmoniously combine economic performance with environmental and social responsibility. It is built around four commitments, two of which are principles that have guided our efforts for many years already, while the other two form the heart of our Engage 2025 strategic plan.

Read more about our comprehensive approach (opens in a new window)

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Performance that benefits everyone

Performance that benefits everyone

Key Performance Indicators

This dashboard presents our financial and non-financial KPIs.

Evolution of our KPIs over 3 years (opens in a new window)

Number of customers

Number of homes connectable to very high-speed broadband

Growth in the Group’s mobile
data traffic


Number of 4G customers in Africa and the
Middle East

Percentage of management network roles held by women

Operating income

of active Orange Money customers

Scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions (in millions of metric tons)

Share of IT services in the Orange Business Services revenue mix

Number of Orange Bank customers in

Position in the BrandZ Top 100 most valuable global brands

Performance that benefits everyone

Our contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2020, Orange formalized its contribution to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for 2030 by identifying six main SDGs and five complementary SDGs on whichit has the greatest impact.

Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation

Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts

Reduce inequality within and among countries

Promote peaceful and inclusive societies

Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Performance that benefits everyone

We develop telecommunications networks and invest in research to provide regions, businesses, operators and individuals with connectivity (broadband and mobile networks) and innovative services (IT services, cybersecurity and mobile financial services).

Performance that benefits everyone

We give as many people as possible access to technology and knowledge and therefore support the integration and empowerment of all members of society. We constantly work to reduce digital inequality and strive to promote diversity and equal opportunities within our company.

Performance that benefits everyone

We are introducing more circular economy thinking into our production processes and industries by adopting an eco-design approach to our products, devices and services as well as prolonging their lifespan, recycling telephones and materials, etc.

Performance that benefits everyone

We are working to combat climate breakdown by improving the energy efficiency of our infrastructure, using more renewable energy and developing solutions to bring about the low-carbon transition. We strive to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040.

Performance that benefits everyone

We pledge to constantly defend fundamental rights and freedoms and protect privacy. As a contracting authority, we have adopted an ethical approach through our responsible purchasing policy and efforts to combat corruption.

Performance that benefits everyone

We support the social and economic development of regions and form partnerships with institutions, development agencies, NGOs, social entrepreneurs, innovative SMEs, etc. to fulfil the SDGs, including for essential services (mobile money, education, agriculture, health, etc.).

Performance that benefits everyone

Our social and economic impact

In 2020, Orange continued to analyze and measure its social and economic impact. This led us to take a closer look at the impact of our CSR actions, particularly regarding digital equality.


Read more about our social and economic impact (opens in a new window)

11 %

contribution of Orange to Côte d’Ivoire’s GDP.

+€34 m

value creation each year since 2017 following the changes made to Orange’s diversity policy between 2013 and 2017.

€11.5 m

estimated value creation by the Orange Digital Center in Tunisia


induced jobs per year created by the Orange Digital Center in Tunisia

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