Session 2021

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Joint interview with Christel Heydemann, CEO and Stéphane Richard, Chairman

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Discover the Orange Integrated Annual Report 2021 on video

Orange’s seventh integrated annual report explores how and why Orange is one of the world’s leading telecommunications operators.

Our Purpose, our strategy, a visual representation of our business model, and our corporate social responsibility initiatives.

It also looks at our infrastructure, our growth areas and our ESG commitments (Environment, Social, Governance)

This report illustrates Orange’s long-term performance and positive impact on society with key figures, diagrams and analyses.

Being a trusted partner in a responsible digital world is the cornerstone of our long-term growth strategy.

This report encapsulates our very essence—who we are, what we do and where we aim to be.


Our business model

Our purpose frames everything we do and runs through our entire business model, enabling us to continuously create value we can share.

Discover our business model (opens in a new window)

Orange has been heavily investing in new-generation digital infrastructure for many years. Ground-breaking deployments enable us to fulfill our role as an essential operator committed to providing connectivity to as many people as possible and accelerating regional development.

| 56,5 m

fiber-ready homes in 2021

| Nearly 99%

of the population in our 8 operating countries in Europe covered by the 4G network

| No.1

for mobile network quality in France for the 11th year running (Arcep)


Read the analysis (opens in a new window)

Our networks are the foundation for developing innovative and responsible digital services relating to finance, business IT support, cybersecurity, content, e-health and energy. Our multi-service strategy is paying off in Africa and the Middle East, as well as Europe.

| €6.4 bn

in revenues generated across Africa & the Middle East, up 10.6% on 2020

| 1.7 m

Orange Bank customers in Europe

| 8.8/10

customers would recommend Orange

In response to the climate challenge, Orange aims to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2040—10 years earlier than the objectives set by the GSMA global telecoms industry body. The Group’s threefold strategy consists of reducing its carbon emissions, making greater use of renewables and boosting its circular economy.

| – 12.1 %

reduction in scope 1 and 2 CO2 emissions compared with 2015 levels

| 117 GWh

our annual renewable energy production

| Almost €58 m

saved in 2021 through the development of the circular economy for our network equipment


What does “net zero carbon emissions” mean?

Carbon neutrality—an overall balance between the emissions produced and eliminated from the atmosphere—can only be considered on a global scale. Orange aims to achieve “net zero carbon” emissions by 2040 in line with the Paris Agreement scenario of limiting global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. What does this involve in concrete terms?

Read the analysis (opens in a new window)

As a telecommunications operator, we have a social responsibility to our stakeholders and local communities. Orange supports the significant digital transformations shaping online and offline environments.

| 9,200

recruitments on unlimited contracts in 2021

| 91 %

of employees say they are proud to work at Orange

| Nearly 140,000

new people benefitting from Orange Foundation’s programs


What are sustainability bonds?

Orange issued a €500 million sustainability bond. How do these bonds work and how do they differ from other financial instruments?

Read the analysis (opens in a new window)

La gouvernance d’Orange définit et met en œuvre la stratégie de croissance de long terme du Groupe en veillant à conjuguer performance opérationnelle, exigence éthique et maîtrise optimale des risques.

Le Conseil d’administration en 2021

| 12


| 45 %

de femmes

| 63 %

de taux d’indépendance

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