Towards a responsible digital future in line with international climate objectives 

Digital technology has a significant impact on the environment and society. Operators must therefore transform their activities throughout their value chain. This can involve establishing a decarbonization trajectory, creating new circular models, or providing solutions that help reduce the environmental impact of their customers. They also have a key role to play in preventing negative social and societal impacts, such as the risks of addiction or cyberbullying, all while enabling secure, sustainable access to the digital world for as many people as possible. 

Key figures

Orange’s response  

Guided by our “ESG by design” orientation, we are gradually decarbonizing our activities and helping our customers to reduce the CO₂ emissions linked to their use of telecoms and digital technology. Furthermore, our corporate role and our CSR strategy lead us to work for environmental protection and digital inclusion, as well as the development of digital trust, while mobilizing the resources necessary for our missions. 

Launch of the Orange Business Circular Mobility offer in 2024  

Based on the principles of the circular economy, this innovation, part of the Re program (Recycle, Refurbish, Reclaim) program, enables businesses to reduce the carbon footprint of their mobile fleets.   

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Safe Zones introduced in 2022  

To combat cyberbullying, we have created safe and trustworthy spaces on the online gaming platforms Fortnite and Roblox.    

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Objective: to be net zero carbon by 2040   

We are continuing our efforts to reduce our direct and indirect CO2 emissions in line with the roadmap we have defined for ourselves. With success: in 2023, we already reached our scopes 1 and 2 emission targets two years ahead of schedule. For scope 3, we are taking action with our stakeholders: suppliers, via the ITU, GSMA and JAC (Joint Alliance for CSR), customers and employees.  

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Creating eco-responsible data centers  

In the interests of energy efficiency, we are modernizing our facilities, including our data centers. In France, the two most recently commissioned data centers consume 30% less energy thanks to free cooling technology.   

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Use of renewable energies   

Our use of renewable energies is based on three pillars: the signing of renewable energy supply contracts in Europe, the solarization of our sites and the development of solar farms in the MEA region.   

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Continued development of Orange Digital Centers  

Since 2019, these free training centers, open to all, have helped to strengthen the digital skills of people in Europe and the MEA region. They also act as start-up accelerators. In 2023, 4 new ODCs were inaugurated.   

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Promoting digital accessibility  

Raising awareness among our employees, developing dedicated digital accessibility offers for our BtoC and BtoB customers… We implement a variety of initiatives to promote digital accessibility for all.   

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Creation of the “6G Durable” research chair with Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS and CentraleSupélec   

Creation of the “6G Durable” research chair with Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS and CentraleSupélec   

Download our integrated annual report (opens in a new window)