Fully committed employees 

Around twenty Orange’s employees take a group photo.

Listening to employees is essential, and we make it a priority to conduct an annual survey to find out about their commitment and expectations. This approach is a genuine lever, as much as for employees as for the company, in order to improve the working experience and environment. It gives every employee the opportunity to express their voice, share opinions and suggestions, and thereby make an active contribution to the company’s decisions. 

In 2023, we introduced a new feedback system with the deployment of the tool “Voice Up”, which enabled us to obtain more targeted and in-depth information. This anonymous survey, the results of which were revealed in early 2024, recorded a 10-point increase in participation across all our regions compared with the previous year. It showed a good overall level of employee engagement, with results in line with international benchmarks, but also a positive appreciation of the measures taken in favor of diversity and inclusion, and of issues relating to work-life balance and working conditions within the company. 

The survey also enabled us to identify areas for improvement, which we have used to continue enhancing our teams’ commitment. 

We have taken steps to meet employees’ expectations by providing greater organizational clarity in line with our new enterprise model; by ensuring individual support for each employee, with better use of resources dedicated to career development; and by enhancing the visibility of our company’s strategic directions and priorities. 

In addition, we are currently developing a corporate culture project, which should be implemented by 2025. 

“Employee feedback through Voice Up is invaluable; it guides our future thinking and actions, and is central to our decision-making.”  

Executive Vice President, Human Resources 

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