A business model for creating sustainable value 

Deploying and operating reliable, useful and resilient networks 

Two workers work at the top of a tower.

For Orange, creating sustainable value means first and foremost giving as many people as possible access to essential digital services. To achieve this, we deploy and operate fixed and mobile networks for consumers in Europe, Africa and the Middle East, and our business networks are among the most extensive in the world. We invest in new technologies to ensure that all these networks are ever more efficient, secure and resilient. 

Lastly, we contribute to European and African digital sovereignty through our data centers and involvement in 450,000 kilometers of submarine cables. 

Guided by our net zero carbon objective by 2040, we are optimizing the maintenance of our networks using artificial intelligence, and accelerating the decommissioning of older infrastructures. We are supporting the decarbonization of our value chain through the promotion of a circular economy; eco-design for customer, network and IT equipment; and the application of sustainability criteria when selecting suppliers during calls for tender. We also implement measures that integrate energy efficiency, renewable energies and carbon sequestration. 

Dedicated to digital inclusion, we are working to maximize geographical coverage. This includes deploying 5G in a targeted way. Satellite technology enables our customers in isolated areas to benefit from very high-speed connections. In Europe, we are leading the way in fiber roll-out, and our two FiberCos support the extension of fiber to rural areas. Our Totem subsidiary is now one of Europe’s leading TowerCos. 

Marketing innovative and secure digital services  

Two people work on a digital tablet.

For Orange, creating sustainable value also means guaranteeing services and a trustworthy customer experience in the 26 countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East in which the Group operates. In marketing our products and services, including our accessible and inclusive offerings, we leverage the power of our brand, our extensive distribution network (4,900 stores worldwide and 1.5 million resellers in Africa and the Middle East) and our digital channels. Thanks to our core activities as an infrastructure operator and the deployment of very high-speed broadband, we are able to meet the demands for connectivity and innovative mobile services of our 298 million individual, business and operator customers. We enable 34.1 million active Orange Money customers in Africa and the Middle East to carry out financial transactions with ease. 

To help businesses to boost their economic performance and reduce their own environmental footprint, we offer innovative solutions (cloud, trusted cloud, artificial intelligence, data analysis, Internet of Things, cybersecurity, etc.), tailored to their sector. With 2,800 experts and 32 cyberthreat detection centers, Orange Cyberdefense is positioned as a European leader in cybersecurity services. 

Finally, to contribute to the development of digital services and new ethical and responsible technologies, our experts and researchers work with a global ecosystem of partners, companies, start-ups, and public and private laboratories. Our shared goal: to build the networks of the future, so that our customers – individuals and businesses alike – can access the tools and services of tomorrow with complete confidence. 

For more details, we invite you to refer to the Universal Registration Document 2023

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Creating sustainable value for all our stakeholders 

To foster the personal and professional development of our employees, we anticipate career changes, ensure the development of skills and implement a policy of talent management, diversity and equal opportunities.

To offer our customers better connectivity, we upgrade our networks and support the development of their digital skills. As an operator, we also put digital technology to work for businesses and local communities. 

For our shareholders, we work to strengthen the company’s profitability and improve its financial value. And, to issue financing instruments indexed to sustainable performance objectives, we have adopted a sustainable financing charter. 

To help protect the environment, we supplement our net-zero carbon commitments by taking into account the impact of our activities on resources and biodiversity. 

To promote respect for ethics, human rights and responsible purchasing, we apply demanding criteria throughout our value chain, and work in close collaboration with our ecosystem, within the JAC (Joint Alliance for CSR). 

To help build a trustworthy society, we run awareness-raising campaigns on responsible digital use, to ensure that tools are used in a healthy, reasonable and secure way. And to promote digital inclusion, we offer free training programs, and support digital entrepreneurship. 

Value sharing from telecom activities¹

A graph presents the value sharing from telecom activities as of December 31, 2023

(1) Data at December 31, 2023. 

Download our integrated annual report (opens in a new window)