Our non-financial performance
Human rights
In 2023, we reaffirmed our commitment to promoting and upholding human rights in line with international frameworks, identifying areas of focus such as child labor and the protection of children’s rights in the digital world, forced labor, freedom of expression and privacy. We require our supply chain to adhere to our standards, and we work within coalitions of operators such as the JAC (Joint Alliance for CSR) and the GNI (Global Network Initiative).
Data protection
In 2023, more than 1,000 manual technical and non-technical audits, and over 100,000 automated audits were carried out to ensure the effective protection of information created, processed or stored by our Group.
Human resources
At the end of 2023, Orange had 137,000 employees, including 134,654 on permanent contracts and 2,440 on fixed-term contracts. 10,914 permanent contract hires were made throughout the Group, including 2,774 in France. The proportion of women in the workforce is 36.2%, up from 36.1% in 2022. In 2023, 97% of our employees had access to training.
Social dialog
Because we consider dialog with our social partners to be of the utmost importance, and because it is best expressed at local level, each entity has dedicated local bodies. In addition, we have set up Group committees at national, European and international level. These employee representative bodies bring together members of Orange management and employee representatives to discuss issues common to all Group entities, whether in France or abroad, such as agreements on gender equality in the workplace or internal mobility plans.
Ethics and compliance
Our Ethics and Compliance program is strengthened year on year, ensuring better control of the associated risks. In 2023, the main initiatives included the deployment of our whistleblowing system called Hello Ethics, the updating of the corruption risk analysis methodology and the ramping up of the shared services center dedicated to thirdparty assessments. These actions enable us to keep pace with regulatory developments, as well as our stakeholders’ demands for ethics and transparency.
Digital inclusion
To promote digital inclusion, a source of progress and equality, we equip, inform and train. In 2023, 850,000 people benefited from workshops and training courses run by Orange, our Foundation or our partners in the form of workshops and training classes. This compares with 593,000 in 2022 and 356,000 in 2021. This significant increase is due to the deployment of the Orange Digital Centers program, with ten new openings in 2022 and four in 2023.
As part of our net zero-carbon objective by 2040, in 2023 we reduced our scopes 1 and 2 CO2 emissions by 37.4% compared with 2015. To take action on scope 3, we are implementing circular economy initiatives with our customers: our used mobile phone collection rate in Europe stands at 25.4%, with a target of 30% by 2025. We also finance natural carbon sink projects to offset our residual emissions, and support biodiversity preservation programs.
Our key indicators