Promoting the inclusion of people with autism spectrum disorders  

A young autistic boy smiles at people around him, a digital tablet in his hands.

For over thirty years, the Orange Foundation has been contributing to the inclusion of people with autism spectrum disorders in France. To this end, we support projects to create housing, provide access to employment and training, and improve living and learning conditions in care facilities. Among the projects supported is Cafés Joyeux, which hires people, like Mathilde, with Down’s syndrome and autism on permanent contracts. For her, “being different still means you have full rights, including the right to work and show what you can do. And thanks to Café Joyeux, today I’m living my life as a young woman, I’m a new Mathilde!” 

Key figure

Promoting the inclusion of people with autism spectrum disorders  

For over thirty years, the Orange Foundation has supported the inclusion of people with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in France, by promoting the creation of housing, access to employment and training, and improved living and learning conditions in care establishments.  

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