Digital Centers helping women find their way   

A woman is showing to another woman how to use a computer.

The mission of the Digital Centers set up by the Orange Foundation is to provide digital skills training for women in difficulty, to help them integrate into society and achieve economic independence. Awa, for example, joined the Digital Center created in partnership with the DesCodeuses association for six months of technical training and professional support. As part of the program, she learnt code and computer languages, and took part in masterclasses and company visits. Through this,Awa discovered a passion for coding and much more: a vocation. Today, she’s a web developer on a permanent contract and, as she likes to say, she’s “won the jackpot!”. 

Key figure

Digital Centers helping women find their way   

The Digital Centers set up by the Foundation have set themselves a goal: to train women in digital skills to help them find jobs and become economically independent. Among them is Awa, now a web developer.  

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The Women’s Digital Centers program for the social and profession integration of women 

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