Encouraging digital innovation “Made in Africa” 

In June 2023, we signed a partnership agreement with Digital Africa. The aim of this organization is to stimulate the growth of the African start-up ecosystem via technological solutions serving the real African economy. This ambition is in line with our commitment to digital inclusion and regional economic development. 

The collaboration adds a vital component to our network of Orange Digital Centers (ODCs). It enables us to respond more simply to the needs of entrepreneurs in the seed phase, through flexible financing solutions specially designed for them, up to €50,000 per start-up. The Colorfol¹ platform and the Koree² application, two start-ups from the ODC in Cameroon, have been selected and others are currently being evaluated. 

(1) A platform for streaming, selling and promoting African music and artists. 

(2) A merchant payment digitization application coupled with a cashback system. 

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