Protecting people in the age of AI 

A person looks at a mobile phone which displays digital elements.

We are committed to an ethical, humancentered digital world. At the end of 2022, we adopted a Data and Artificial Intelligence Ethical Charter setting out our principles and commitments in support of the ethical and responsible design and use of AI.

Our Data and AI Ethics Council ensures that these principles (robustness, security, contribution to environmental issues and societal well-being, respect for privacy, diversity, fight against bias or discrimination, transparency regarding the purpose of solutions, etc.) are applied in the specific cases submitted to it. 

In 2023, the Council carried out studies on the ethical challenges of AI, notably in telecom networks and infrastructures, credit scoring¹, AI-enhanced customer relations and generative AI². These deliverables are shared with all the Group’s ethics officers and the entities that use these systems. In this way, we make a daily contribution to building a responsible digital environment that protects the rights and freedoms of individuals. 

(1) Predictive analysis of banking and financial solvency. 

(2) AI-assisted content creation. 

Access the Orange Data and Artificial Intelligence Ethics Charter

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Find out more about the missions of the Orange Data and AI Ethics Council

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