Who will train artificial intelligence in 2030?

Claude Terosier

CEO of Magic Makers

85% of jobs that will exist in 2030 haven’t been invented yet.* Why? Because digital technology is reshaping our society at a staggering speed. It is changing the way we work, produce, communicate and even think. Power is gravitating towards the people who design the solutions we use daily. And those solutions influence what we buy, what information we access, and even who we vote for.

Our education system needs to equip individuals to deal with our world’s growing complexity. We need to be able to understand what really goes on every time we click on a link or type in our personal details. Apps don’t create themselves. People create them to achieve a goal. It’s that goal that we need to be able to examine.

People also need to be able to play their part as responsible digital citizens. In other words, they need to be able to devise and develop the right solutions for the challenges facing our world today – climate change or inequality, for instance. A teenager who can develop and train an AI programme to solve one of the issues in our society will, in effect, become part of the solution.

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France included programming in the high school curriculum in 2016. Now it needs to take the next step and teach programming in primary school using the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Scratch language along with tried and tested learning approaches, such as the ones we’ve developed at Magic Makers. Businesses also have a role to play alongside public authorities. Every initiative designed to facilitate this transition is important – and could be decisive.

* According to a 2017 report by Dell Technologies and the Institute for the Future

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