Controlled risks 

Uncertain geopolitical, macroeconomic, competitive and regulatory environment  

Description and impacts

  • Increasing number of crises and conflicts creating instability in areas in which Orange operates
  • Increasing number of regulations and compliance costs
  • Strong presence in highly competitive, regulated markets affected by inflation
  • Increased competition between operators and with the arrival of new entrants

Examples of 2023 management framework

  • New Lead the Future strategy to strengthen Group resilience
  • Regular verification of crisis management framework  
  • Ongoing Group dialog with local and French authorities, legislators and regulators
  • Strengthening leadership in customer experience, with the aim of leading in customer satisfaction (NPS) in two-thirds of regions by 2025
  • Continued growth of Orange Cyberdefense to open up new markets (BtoC / VSE)  

The ability to draw on the necessary human, material and financial resources  

Description and impacts

  • Ability to retain and attract talent, but also to train employees in new skills acquisition
  • Tension around energy availability  
  • Concentration of suppliers and dependency effect that could lead to supply disruptions 
  • Accidental or deliberate damage to infrastructure, which could result in business interruption 
  • Service disruption   

Examples of 2023 management framework

  • Increased employee expertise and investment in key skills (a key focus of the “Lead the Future” strategy)
  • New energy mix with a target of 50% renewable energies by 2025, and 40% in France
  • Electrification of 50% of the vehicle fleet
  • Supply of networks with renewable energies (solar, wind)
  • Diversification of suppliers in all regions, particularly for critical resources or equipment (e.g. chipsets, energy, cloud, etc.)  
  • Business continuity management plan (including remote backup sites, fallback sites, preventive infrastructure relocations)  

IT systems and data security  

Description and impact

  • Capacité à assurer la gestion et la prévention des cyberattaques
  • Gestion sécurisée des données personnelles des parties prenantes  

Examples of 2023 management framework

  • Development of a global security system with the implementation of “Security by design”  
  • Deployment of specific protection and supervision measures for our networks and IT systems; “Cyber Ready” training plan; securing information exchanges (encryption of emails, file exchanges, etc.)  
  • Prioritized list of the entity’s critical digital services.  

Stakeholder health and safety  

Description and impacts

  • Damage to the physical and psychological health of users, including young people, with the possibility of digital dependency and effects linked to electromagnetic waves and fields  
  • Implication of Orange service providers in non-compliance with working conditions and human rights (forced and illegal labor, modern slavery, child trafficking, etc.)  
  • Capacity to adapt internally to changes in working conditions and to ensure quality of life at work   

Examples of 2023 management framework

  • Actions dedicated to the physical and psychological health of users (“Better Internet for Kids” Group program, (opens in a new window) 
  • Effective vigilance plan with support for subsidiaries from the CSR department (human rights and environment)  
  • Systematic impact analysis of all changes or ways of working for employees (transformation projects, workload, etc.)  
  • Employee health monitoring systems (occupational health service, company doctor, International SOS, employee or manager hotlines)  
  • Extended social barometer and thematic surveys  

The ability to meet the challenges of socio-environmental transition  

Description and impacts

  • Ability to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and decarbonize business in a world of growing data consumption  
  • Necessary implementation of circular economy practices to improve resource and waste management  
  • Need to adapt Orange’s activities (notably infrastructures) to climate change  
  • Need to support populations in technological transition to foster digital inclusion  

Examples of 2023 management framework

  • Ambition to be a driving force behind the environmental transition, with the expansion of programs to reduce CO2 emissions by 2025 
  • Development of the circular economy externally with the recycling and repair of devices and terminals, and internally with the OSCAR program, purchases of reconditioned IT & Networks equipment  
  • Climate change risk mapping  
  • Ability to protect facilities against climate risks  
  • Creation of a Sustainable Finance department  
  • Digital inclusion strategy (connectivity, training and support for start-ups via Orange Digital Centers) and financial inclusion (Orange Money)  

Ethics and responsibility  

Description and impacts

  • Control of business practices and anticipation of regulations (corruption, competition, taxation)  
  • Need to deploy ethical and responsible innovation and research   

Examples of 2023 management framework

  • A purpose enshrined in the bylaws  
  • A CSR policy, an anti-corruption policy and a code of ethics 
  • A wide range of skills (researchers, engineers, technicians, designers, marketers, ergonomists, sociologists) involved in the development of our innovations  
  • A Data and AI ethics council  
  • A CSR and Ethics Committee
Download our integrated annual report (opens in a new window)