Attentive to our stakeholders’ expectations  

Dedicated bodies giving our stakeholders a voice  

To better manage our purpose – As a trusted partner, Orange gives everyone the keys to a responsible digital world – and to give our stakeholders a voice, “Purpose groups” were created in 2023. Depending on the topics addressed, these circles call on the services of various experts. They have enabled the Group to strengthen its collaboration with and launch information, awareness and support initiatives to better protect the public from online threats.  

A robust stakeholder dialog mechanism for sustainability issues

Since 2008, we have implemented a stakeholder dialog mechanism in all our regions and business lines, with the aim of identifying areas for improvement in the way Orange conducts its business, by comparing internal and external views. Over the past five years, we have consulted 3,750 people in 16 countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East on a wide range of subjects including “precariousness and digital technology” and “diversity and gender equality in the workplace”. These consultations enabled us to identify our priority issues, improve our understanding of our sustainability risks, examine our business model and feed into our work to develop the Lead the Future promise, particularly in terms of digital trust. 

Wide-ranging consultations  

Specific initiatives round off this approach, such as the citizen consultation we launched in France with on the theme of reducing the environmental impact of digital technology. 170,000 citizens submitted over 6,000 proposals, which received more than 2.6 million votes. The theme of the circular economy (sustainability) was favored by nearly 60% of participants. In keeping with the spirit of this citizen consultation, we have created an Observatory of Sustainable Digital Uses, the results of which will be widely shared with all stakeholders wishing to contribute to the evolution of the environmental impacts of digital technology.   

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