The Science-Based Targets initiative: our objectives for reducing greenhouse gasemissions have been approved

As a leader in the digital sector, we have a responsibility to contribute to reducing the
sector’s greenhouse gas emissions and fighting climate change. This is why we have made strong commitments in France and internationally. Two intermediate milestones on the road to net zero carbon by 2040 include: reducing our emissions by 30% of scopes 1 & 2 by 2025 compared with 2015 – a target already achieved 2 years ahead of schedule – and by 45% of scopes 1, 2 & 3 compared with 2021 by 2030.
In June 2024, the Science-Based Targets (SBTi) initiative, which encourages companies to set science-based greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, approved our commitments, thereby recognizing our net zero emissions target for 2040, one of the most ambitious available under the SBTi process! This recognition commits us to translating these objectives into our short, medium and long-term action plans to build a more sustainable digital world.

Find out more about SBTi approval and our action plan to achieve our goals
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