Accelerating the transition to renewable energies

Limiting our environmental impact means increasing our use of renewable energies. For our Group, this is based on a number of pillars: the signing of renewable energy supply agreements¹ in Europe, the overhaul of site energy management with Energy Services Companies (ESCo), solar farms and site solarization, and finally, guarantee of origin certificates purchased on the market².
In 2023, we announced the construction of our first solar farm in France, at Bercenay-en-Othe, with commissioning scheduled for 2025. The production of local, low-carbon electricity will save over 100 tons of CO2 per year. In Africa, by the end of 2023, more than 7,500 mobile sites had been equipped with solar photovoltaic panels in 17 countries³. This represents over 18% of all mobile sites in the MEA region.
Thanks to our actions, we estimate that 75% of our electricity needs in Europe will be covered by renewable energies by 2025.
(1) Power Purchase Agreements.
(2) Unbundled.
(3) Versus 7,200 sites at end-2022.
Find out more about our first solar farm in France and Europe