“Building a better world for future generations.”

Lyes Bouabdallah –
Chief Executive Officer at Positive Planet International, a French non-profit organisation that stimulates growth and fights poverty through entrepreneurship

Many businesses still view the integration of social and environmental considerations as a constraint, when in reality it’s an opportunity to bring about long-term growth that benefits us all. By incorporating its purpose in its bylaws and making the Group accountable to people and the planet, Orange proves that it’s possible, maybe even necessary, to align financial profitability with social and environmental progress.

In this way, Orange’s purpose reflects our own values and strategy to support positive entrepreneurs looking to change the world. Orange’s purpose can only strengthen the long-standing relationship we’ve built by collaborating on major development projects that benefit disadvantaged communities.

Our two companies have been working together over many years to help female entrepreneurs in Africa, and more recently we’ve teamed up to promote and support companies in West Africa. We appreciate the Group’s genuine commitment to digital inclusion, its strong regional presence as a benchmark operator in West Africa and its innovative, socially-beneficial solutions such as Orange Money, which is why Orange is one of our main partners.

For example, our close partnership means we both support the French Development Agency for Inclusive and Digital Business in Africa programme (AFIDBA). Set up by the French Development Agency in 2019, the programme seeks to identify and accelerate 60 positive start-ups, helping them to flourish in Morocco, Ghana, Senegal and Burkina Faso.

Laure de La Raudière “Digital technology represents a powerful tool for regional inclusion.”

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